Polycarbonate options
Polycarbonate options
Check the possibilities from our product range.
If you want to buy a veranda, one of your choices is between polycarbonate or glass roofing. Polycarbonate is a sturdy, but flexible material, making it perfect for roofing. Nevertheless, polycarbonate is flexible, bendable and light weight, making installing and cleaning it easy. Polycarbonate, in general a better value for money than glass. Deponti has four types of polycarbonate roofing in its range. But how do you know what suits your situation and wishes best? Below, you'll find an overview of the differences.
Opaque polycarbonate:
Most popular with your costumers, opaque polycarbonate roofing is semi-transparent. The sheets have a milky white colour. With opaque roofing, the light is not reduced but it gives it a diffusion, due to which opaque roofing is more heat resistant than transparent roofing. Leaves, sand an dirt are less visible from inside.
Clear polycarbonate:
Clear polycarbonate roofing is transparent, making it perfect if you want a lot of light to get through. Some also say that the clear polycarbonate look is more luxurious than opaque sheets. Downside is that clear polycarbonate sheets are not very heat resistant. And have a tendency to fog from the inside.
Ultra clear polycarbonate:
Ultra clear carbonate has the same characteristics as clear polycarbonate, however, the ultra clear sheets have a more open texture with wider 'channels'. Because of this, ultra clear offers even more transparency and an even higher light permeability. This type of polycarbonate looks most like glass. Downside is however that everything on the roof like leaves and dirt are visible.
Solar control polycarbonate:
Solar control sheets are opaque sheets as well, however they have a double extruded layer which protects form infrared solar waves. They provide the right combination between light diffusion and ideal temperature. This right combination keeps light transmission as high as possible while selectively blocking infrared waves from the visible light to get a low solar transmission. The result is having a solar factor as high as possible while the temperature inside is lower.